
Factorio console commands
Factorio console commands

factorio console commands

Admins can use “everyone” to mute the sounds for everyone on the server. Use “local” to mute just the local client. Mutes or unmutes the global sounds created by the Programmable Speaker. Prints a list of available commands, the optional argument can specify the command that should be described.

factorio console commands

Prints info about the alien evolution factor. Available colors: default, red, green, blue, orange, yellow, pink, purple, white, black, gray, brown, cyan, acid. Can either be one of the pre-defined colors or RGBA value in the format of “#”. Available alerts: entity_destroyed, entity_under_attack, not_enough_construction_robots, no_material_for_construction, not_enough_repair packs, turret_fire, custom, no_storage.Ĭhanges your color. The Tab key will auto-complete commands and player ids.Įnables, disables, mutes, or unmutes the given alert type. Use the ← and → keys to cursor through the currently displayed message or command, which you can edit (delete, insert, etc.) and resend (by pressing Return). Use the ↑ and ↓ keys to scroll through the console history. The console has an inbuilt history it's a bit like a text editor where only one line of text is displayed at a time.

Factorio console commands code#

Note that the console can also accept raw Lua code as well as game commands. The console can be cleared with the /clear command. This not only closes the console, but it also hides all the recent messages/commands. If you want to immediately hide the console, open the console and then press Escape key (or press Return without entering any message/command). You can set the fade out time via Options Menu → Other Settings → Message Delay. Note that by default, all executed commands are made visible to all users. When console is closed, only the most recent messages/commands will be displayed, but they will gradually fade away (opening the console will immediately re-display all recent messages). When the console is open, you'll see a blinking cursor at the bottom of the screen type your message or command and hit Return to send it (this will also close the console).ĭocumentation about message and command prefixes can be found further down this page. Możesz zmienić przypisanie klawiszy Opcje → Klawiatura → Toggle Lua console. Konsola przełącza się klawiszami / (ukośnik) lub ~ (tylda).

  • Skrypty/kody - Uruchamianie małych skryptów Lua (ale wyłączają one osiągnięcia dla danego zapisu gry).
  • Gra wieloosobowa - Filtrowanie wiadomości, banowanie użytkowników itp.
  • Normalne - Wyświetlają informacje o grze oraz modyfikują twoje wrażenia.
  • Konsola to interfejs wiersza poleceń w Factorio.
  • 12.2 Write all researched technologies to file.
  • factorio console commands

    12.1 Print to console which tile are you have under the player position.8.3 Kill all biters on the "enemy" force.8.2 Disable time-based evolution & increases pollution-based evolution.

    factorio console commands

    7.13 Emptying all pipes, underground pipes and pumps.7.9 Disable friendly fire for your force.7.4 Expensive (marathon) or normal mode.6.3 Add items to the player's inventory.6.2 Refill resources (refill oil, iron etc.).5.8 Always show rail block visualization.5.5 Unlock and research all technologies.

    Factorio console commands